Tuesday, May 25, 2010


My cousin, Hunter, was injured in a dirt bike accident on Sunday. He fractured his C7 vertebrae (the neck area), broke his ribs, and bruised his lungs. He is most certainly lucky to be alive. He has feeling in his legs and arms so thank God he is not paralyzed. I'm thinking about him, his wife, and his two young kids. I talked to Gina, his sister, this morning and she thinks he might be able to come home on Thursday. I am so relieved. It's so hard being this far from him. He's in Texas - like the majority of my cousins - and I can't go see him. However, Mike's going down next week on business so I may ask him to go visit in my place. What's also rough is Gina's going to Vegas this weekend for her son's birthday so she's stressing about getting ready for the trip and Hunter.


FirePhrase said...

If you need me to wander by the hospital and give him a cousinly slap on the back of the head, just let me know. A slap on the back of the head is Texas cousin for "what were you doing? Be more careful! Stop making everybody worry!"

victory4angela said...

Mike's going down to SA on business next week so I've already asked him to stop by. I like the idea of giving Hunter a slap on the back of the head!

Hunter's doing well. He's complaining about hospital food. I told him to buck up because I had crap hospital food for MONTHS while he's only had to eat if for a couple of days.

victory4angela said...

My cousin posted a picture of himself on facebook - cast on his left leg up to his knee and body brace up to his neck.