Monday, May 21, 2007

Shameless Plug

It's not too late if you want to help me raise money for the American Cancer Society. I'm supporting the Relay for Life, which is June 2-3. You can either donate in my honor or in honor or memory of someone you know with cancer. My goal is to raise $1,500 and as of today, I'm only at $1,175 and I'd appreciate your help. Here's my personal donation page:

Thank you everyone who has already donated to this very worthy cause. THANK YOU!


Melissa said...

Thanks for the reminder Angela. I have made my donation. It looks to me like you are getting closer to your goal, but could still use a few more donations.


victory4angela said...

Thanks for the donations. I will personally thank everyone who has donated (or will donate).

WashingtonGardener said...

I see you are now VERY close to your goal - think you are going to go past it mighty soon...

victory4angela said...

I hit my goal today!!! THANKS!!! I'd like to exceed it - that would be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Just checked--the goal is whipped. :) Congrats!


WashingtonGardener said...

Wow! I just cjecked and you are 33% OVER your goal!!!

victory4angela said...

I am now on my way to reaching $2,500 becase of some recent donations. You are all awesome to support me. I am floored by how many people are supporting me.

Let's kick Priscilla's butt together!