Saturday, May 5, 2007

Prednisone and Ice Cream

I started taking my first dose of prednisone last night, but didn't have enough in my prescription bottle for this morning's dose because we forgot to go to the pharmacy yesterday. I took my next dose while I was getting my "pit stop" at NIH and I believe the prednisone kicked in really good tonight because I ate all my dinner, including the vegetables, and still had a craving for ice cream! I talked Mike into going to Marble Slab and we also talked our friends, Frank and Sophie, into coming along with us to satisfy my ice cream craving. When we returned we played a rousing game of "Outburst," which Frank and I won. Frank is a scientist at NIST and we really cleaned up in the scientist category and we also really knew our winter Olympic sports. Mike did know his heavy metal bands, but it wasn't enough to be victorious! Frank is German and Sophie is French and Mike really, really likes how they make coffee. Frank and Mike enjoyed french press coffee while Sophie and I enjoyed a blueberry/strawberry decaf tea. We had a very enjoyable evening with them.

Tomorrow we are celebrating my brother's birthday with my family. I hope Grandma Erickson and Aunt Anne are able to come because the last time they came over, I unexpectedly left before they arrived and ended up at the NIH hospital for a week. I also hope Aunt Carol is able to join us for dinner to so I can see the whole family. Frank and Sophie have also been invited and Sophie has made a very delicious French cake that will be topped with whipped cream tomorrow. While I am receiving chemo, I am relatively "safe" because my white counts have not had time to go down yet, so I should be here tomorrow. I do have to go to NIH at 3pm for my daily pit stop, but it doesn't take long for my "pit crew" to change my bag, replace the batteries in my battery pack, and change my dressing.

I love the nurses at NIH because they are always glad to see me and always laugh and joke with me about anything under the sun. I missed seeing Vanessa, but she must have been off today. Leslie stopped by briefly and said I was looking much more awake than Friday (when I slept all day). When I was in the inpatient hospital at NIH, the cleaning lady came in to my room when I was feeling really lousy and told me how beautiful I was. I saw her again today at the day (or outpatient) hospital and she remembered me and was very happy to see me. She is so sweet and she knew just what to say at just the right time. Sondra is another nurse who is always in a good mood and she joked with me and Mike today about how prednisone turns me into Pac Man that eats everything in front of me. The nurses really know how to take care of both of us and are always willing to help with any little thing or answer my "silly" questions. They definitely helping provide me with the courage to get through this ordeal with a little humor that I so desperately need. Laughter really is the best medicine. We are really impressed with everything NIH has to offer.


victory4angela said...

Grammar alert! I can't seem to edit after I post and I didn't notice some stupid grammatical errors in my post. Must be the chemo!

Anonymous said...

I read the title wrong; missed the "and". But you could market that to Ben and Jerry - Prednisone Praline with Adavan Crunch. Tastes good, and it's good for you.


Julie B.

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